Oct 19, 2015
First of all to my subscribers, thank you for downloading my podcast and following my show. I really appreciate your support despite me not giving you content on a more regular basis. That's going to change, more content because I really love doing this and because you deserve that commitment from me after you gave me yours by subscribing to my show.
It really is time to make a change. Part of that change is being even more open and transparent. This is just that. I'll explain my decision to change Hey Guys The Podcast to a new name, The Guy Blog Wrestling & MMA Podcast.
Let me know what you think, reach
out via Twitter @TheGuyBlog and @GuyBlogPodcast and e-mail by writing to
Also, check out TheGuyBlog.com, where I just uploaded a great article about The Breakup of Team B.A.D., written by @SlickVic954.