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The Guy Blog Podcast - MMA | Wrestling | Fitness | Lifestyle | Guy Stuff

Guys and gals, thank you for taking the time to check out the pod. I really appreciate it and hope you will follow The Guy Blog on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+. Also, check out our full website, The Guy Blog!


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Aug 17, 2015

In todays movie minute we're going to be talking about Comic Con favorites:


- The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

- Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

- Suicide Squad

- Deadpool


After listening, as always, LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

You can follow and reach out on Twitter and instagram @HeyGuysPodcast and via e-mail  and

 To follow Lando on twitter his handle is @landoreyes and on instagram it's @landoreyesb